Sunday, June 21, 2009

Top 10 : What have I learnt, camera-wise, during a concert

  1. Shoot test photos before the performance start. Therefore camera can be marked its range of possible composition or settings.
  2. Be a sharp observer. Lay your eyes 360 degrees until a certain moment of movement caught your attention.
  3. Choose lens with distance and wide angle. With kit lens mount on top of a D40 is the least possible limit to a limitation. It gave me a hard time which really mess with my patience. What you need to do is to work magic out of anything that works. Using this limitation let you learn from mistakes and error.
  4. Be an active photographer. Experiment shoots with different angle. A stationary photographer usually resulted less attractive photos.
  5. Look and learn from professionals. They have what we called experience. But be placed elsewhere where typical photographer afraid to explore.
  6. Used continuous mode. Great moment normally happen once, should we be setting still during 'it'.
  7. There is no fault, only slight adjustment. Keep your mistakes, who knew that it can be edit once you get back. Worth the hustle at least.
  8. Capture subject that mean something to you. It will mean something to those who lay eyes on your picture as well.
  9. Don't be shy. Photographer is positioned in between attention of fans and musician. You have to be able to loosen up and go wild. Believe me, standing still is not the way to do it.
  10. The mission is to capture quality by quantity. So don't let your hands down. Stay alert.
* List above is upon 'here and there' experience of a Nikon D40 user.
* To tell is to learn, to know is to re-correct.

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