Thursday, May 21, 2009

Music : White Rabbits

We came across countless artist come out with debut album. We listen repeatedly music greatness that never bore us. What else that we expected by the music industry to our demanding ears. We tend to be selective in term of vocal and music ability in general. Because we know that we can't bear to hear them all.

White Rabbits "Percussion Gun" Music Video
from White Rabbits on Vimeo.

White Rabbits are American six-piece indie rock band based in Brooklyn, NY. The sound of their latest release 'percussion gun' is similar in drum at glance like 15steps, Khottal, Battles kind-ish. I start to prefer this kind of drum-beat instead of the boring and cliche drum-beat. Popular music have done it, as a new-batch and fresh why not come out with a different kind of sound.

They not only embrace the new-wave sound. But they pair it with a brilliant piece of set, created as 'percussion gun' official video clip.Directed by Andrew Droz Palermo. When you watch this video clip your senses become numb and you are drag to a magical planet of greatness.

Enough said, do check out White Rabbits.

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